7 feathers casino hotel
7 feathers casino hotel

His wings are large and red, with dark taupe on the undersides. He has yellow-orange hearts underneath the paws on his hands. His tail is taupe and long, ending with a large spray of "plume-like" fur or feathers, which are dark pink with black and white stripes. He has a darker shade of taupe encircling his ankles, mimicking spats. A black tuff of fluff protrudes from each, creating the appearance of small hearts. The insides of his ears are white with a red tip at the point and red heart in the center. His fur is taupe-colored, overlayed with white on his face, torso, feet, and upper arms.

7 feathers casino hotel

He has long, red eyebrows with black vertical stripes near the tips, and a small black heart above each eyebrow.

7 feathers casino hotel

The sclera of his eyes are black, with yellow irises and slitted pupils. His look is evocative of a magician, paired with a casino referencing playing-card theme. Husk is an anthropomorphic avian cat demon.

7 feathers casino hotel